31 Aug AWC hosts public Town Hall meeting in Yuma
YUMA — Arizona Western College is proud to host Yuma County’s state elected officials from Districts 23 and 25 as they discuss the outcomes of the 2023 Legislative Session during a public Town Hall event.
State legislators have been invited to AWC to discuss policy and budgetary wins for the community and the college regarding workforce development, roads and transportation infrastructure, water, and other topics. The event will be open to the public and held on Tuesday, September 19, from 2:00-3:30pm at the Schoening Conference Center in the 3C Building at the AWC Yuma Campus, 2020 S. Ave. 8E. A campus map can be found here.
The legislative panel for the event will include Sen. Brian Fernandez (D) and Rep. Michele Peña (D) from Legislative District 23 as well as Sen. Sine Kerr (R), Rep. Tim Dunn (R), and Rep. Michael Carbone (R) from Legislative District 25.
“I am incredibly proud of the historical wins that Arizona Western College and the community of Yuma experienced this past legislative session,” said Senator Fernandez (D-LD23). “Yuma’s community college is a key workforce and economic driver in our city, and it was my top priority to lead the advancement and advocacy to successfully secure the $15 million investment in workforce development programs at the college. This historical investment will further support Yuma in developing our high-paying and high-demand labor force through our local community college. I am looking forward to joining Arizona Western College’s event on September 19 to tell the community more about my legislative work. I encourage the community to come out to meet, listen, and engage with myself and fellow legislators that represent them at our state’s capitol.”
Representative Tim Dunn (R-LD25) shared that he is also excited to join together with the Yuma community to discuss the past, present, and future state of the Arizona legislature.
“Having a well-informed and advocacy-active community helps me do my job effectively as the legislative representative for District 25. I am eager to see the Yuma community on September 19 at Arizona Western College to tell them about the struggles and strides this past legislative session, and what I see on the horizon for 2024,” said Rep. Dunn. “I am looking forward to joining my fellow legislators from Districts 23 and 25 for a legislative panel discussion to update and inform our community about the important work we do at our state capitol on behalf of them.”
While the event is free and open to the public, space is limited. Individuals interested in attending can reserve their seat at this link.
In addition to the public event, a private student roundtable conversation with legislators will be held prior to the event, as well as opportunities for the media to interview the legislator panelists. Members of the media must contact AWC Chief of Staff Ashley Herrington at Ashley.Herrington@azwestern.edu or 928-344-7501 for additional information about interview opportunities.