18 Aug City of Yuma offers free sandbag filling station for potential Tropical Storm
YUMA — With storm potential from Tropical Storm Hilary forecast through the weekend, the City of Yuma will provide residents with a self-serve sandbag filling station in the east parking lot of the Yuma Civic Center, 1440 W. Desert Hills Drive.
The sandbag filling station will be available from 7 a.m. to 7p.m. Friday, Aug. 18, through Sunday, Aug. 20. Based on weather forecasts, the City will evaluate whether the sandbag filling station should remain open into next week.
The sandbag station will be stocked with sand and empty bags for self-filling while supplies last. A limited number of bags and sand may be available onsite after 7 p.m. While shovels may be available as well, the City recommends residents bring their own when visiting the station. Residents are allowed five sandbags per vehicle.
Monsoon season is always a good time to revisit, revise or make a household disaster plan. Visit www.ready.gov to learn more about developing a Family Emergency Plan.